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Sugar Prints

I walked into the kitchen to work on supper and my breath caught in my throat when I saw this on the floor in front of the cabinet. It was only mere seconds until the guilty little baby came toddling back into the kitchen, headed straight for the cabinet, opened up the door and thrust her chubby little hand into the open sugar bag. How in the world is a Mamma supposed to stop such preciousness? I didn't. I went and got my camera and took a video of her playing in the sugar. One of my biggest pet peeves is stuff on the floor. SUGAR on the floor is especially terrible because it's gritty AND sticky. But how is it even possible to get upset at the sugar mess when you see a little chubby baby footprint smack dab in the middle of it? It's a sign that a baby is in the house! A curious, healthy and very busy baby!   MY baby! Just one of the many babies God has given me to care for. I prayed for these babies and the Lord has given me the desires of my heart.

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