This Blog Is About Nothing And Everything

Hi friends!

I have many blogs.

I have a mothering blog, a fitness blog, a spiritual blog and a few other ones I think. I don't keep any of them up .

Hello, my name is Angie.  I am the queen of taking on too many things, going a little crazy with them, then totally burning out on all of them! It's simply TOO much.

So this is my Everything blog. How very SIMPLE!

SIMPLE is one of my new favorite words. It's peaceful. It's productive, I love it and I'm kind of addicted to it. It's life changing.

Americans seem to believe that being crazy busy is a GOOD thing, We are buzzing around from one thing to the next, always in a hurry, stressed.

It's almost as if some people are actually in competition. "You think YOU are busy? Listen to MY schedule!"

Then we act is if it is not our choice. All of the things simply HAVE to be done. It's like we are saying " I refuse to accept the fact that I only have 24 hours in a day. I DEMAND 36!"

I have been trying to weed out the unimportant ,so I can actually thrive at the important. You know, like giving up line drying my clothes and making everything from scratch so that I can actually take the time to REALLY listen to my little boy tell me about a nest he is building for his chicken. 

Instead of looking at him and saying generically "WOW, that's awesome!" (while my mind is really on my check list of a million things that NEED done)  and having him look at me and say "Mamma I said that the chicken hates my nest! "

I want to really be able to honestly tell that friend that needs to talk to me "Call me anytime!"  I want to see her name on the caller ID ,and not have my eyes roll upward and my shoulders sag because as much as I love her I really don't have time to talk to her right now. 

When your bucket is full and LIFE happens? It overflows! 

For ME, overflowing equals me rushing through my day and not really SEEING my people. It means stomping and yelling when someone spills shredded cheese on the floor and leaves it to go outside and play.

It means being bitter in my heart towards my hard working and loving husband when he gets home from work and dares to unwind for a little bit by getting on his IPAD with some ear buds.

You know, he could start washing dishes or something.

It means complaining, a poor me attitude, and instead of the grace that Jesus wants me to infuse onto others in my life? I infuse anger.

Like I preach to my children. Grace spreads like a medicine and anger like a poison. If Mamma aint happy........

I love to write and I just love the idea of letting throwing away the clutter and having ONE blog that I can actually keep up!  So here I am!

What do YOU do to simplify your life?

What do YOU do to make sure that your PEOPLE stay at the top of your list? 


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